Recibimos documentos de todas las ciudades de California, otros estados y paises. Carta de poder, acta de nacimiento, matrimonio, defuncion, cualquier otra carta que necesita ser notariada y apostillada: Podemos ayudarlo con cualquiera de estos pasos. El mismo dia que recibimos sus documentos los apostillamos y se los devolvemos a usted o los mandamos directamente al pais de destino con Fedex International Priority, DHL or UPS. Si necesario mandamos un Notary Public a su oficina o casa.
Necesita traduccion? Traducciones del Ingles al Español, certificacion, notarizacion y Apostilla. Puede mandarnos un mensaje o llamarnos a cualquier hora, 7 dias a la semana.
Sacramento County mobile bilingual Notary Public, certified Signing Agent, Apostille service in California, loan signings Yolo, Placer and Sacramento Counties. Apostilla.
English Spanish translation.
We can send a Notary Public at your office or home to notarize your documents, then we process them with Apostille and finally we send them back to you or to the country of destination.
Based in Carmichael, CA 95608, provides traveling notary services to notarize all kind of documents, including mortgages, loan signings (FHA, conventional loans, HELOCs, reverse mortgages, power of attorney) and also
state certificates legalization with Apostille, birth, death, marriage certificates as well as their English to Spanish translation for documents originated in California with a final destination any country member of the Hague Convention, Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents.
We legalize and ship your California documents Apostille the same day to your USA address or directly to the county of destination.
What is an Apostille? What documents can I apostille? How long it takes to Apostille a document through the Secretary of State? How much it cost the Apostille? Where can get an Apostille? Other languages spoken Spanish, Italian. Answers at the webpage, or
Urgent? Need inmediate Apostille service? We process your documents the same day and ship the Apostille to your address or country of destination with Fedex International Priority. They will send you a message when your documents are hand delivered to the country you stated in the Apostille Request Form.
If you are sending a document signed by a state official, like birth, marriage, death certificates, etc, make sure the issued date is not older than 5 years. Otherwise, you have to go to the county clerk office and order a certified copy of your document ( or order it online
In Spanish the term is Apostilla, and documents to legalize are carta de poder, acta de nacimiento, defuncion, diplomas. A legalized document, or apostillado, is then sent to a country in Latin America or Spain.www.CaliforniaApostille.US
In Italian, l'apostilla, is obtained for documents like la Procura, certificati o estratti di Nascita, Matrimonio, Morte. Again, once "apostillati", the documents are shipped to the client or directly to Italy.
If your document need to be notarized, you can do so through a local Notary Public or we can send one to your address. Once notarized we will process the Apostille and ship it.
Order an Apostille, from the contact form at
Have more questions? Call us anytime, 7 days a week. Se habla español.
S e r g i o M u s e t t i T e l 7 0 7 _ 9 9 2 _ 5 5 5 1
We can explain the following: apostille telephone, 7 days a week apostille service, apostille process, authentication of documents, for foreign use, countries that signed or are members of the Hague Convention: Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, obtaining an apostille, apostille in california, secretary of state, sacramento, los angeles, california apostille service, apostille service in california, document issued in California, where can i get an apostille, getting an apostille, public official signatures, birth certificate, power of attorney, marriage certificate, death certificate, monday to sunday, anytime, fast, emergency apostille, rush apostille, same day apostille, apostille information in california, same day service for apostille, getting an apostille for a birth certificate, dual citizenship,divorce, apostilla en california, acta de nacimiento, carta de poder, matrimonio, divorcio, defuncion, como sacar una apostilla, California Apostille, Apostille in California, Apostilla, apostillar, carta de poder, acta de nacimiento, cartas certificadas, notariadas, apostilladas, apostillado, como mandar una apostilla a mexico, que es una apostilla, servicio de apostilla, secretaria del estado sacramento, telefono para servicio de apostilla en california.
Authenticated or legalized Documents in International Commerce, civil law, Degree & Diploma Certificate Apostille, School Certificate Apostille,
Transcript Apostille, UG &PG Certificate Apostille,
Birth Certificate Apostille, Marriage Certificate Apostille,
Death Certificate Apostille, Bonafide Certificate Apostille,
Migration Certificate Apostille, Divorce Certificate Apostille, Finger Print Apostille, Medical Certificate Apostille, Salary Certificate Apostille,
Registration Certificate Apostille, Power Of Attorney Apostille, Certificates of Incorporation Apostille,
Article of Association Apostille, Memorandum of Association Apostille